ChagTong ChenTong Tasmania- February

New Year Aspiration

Taitung Foundation Inc

Tse do-Long life sutra

(Tse do sutra )

Thubten Norbu Ling Center, New Mexico- February

Be Your Own Therapist

Session 1  

Session 2 

Session 3

Session 4

The Universe in our Hands- How and Why to offer the Mandala

Session 1   

Session 2 

Session 3

How to Meditate on Emptiness 

Session 1  

Session 2

Session 3

Opening the door to Enlightenment: Meditations on Emptiness

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Guru Puja - For the passing of Max Mathews or Mummy Max  

Chotrul Duchen- Guru Puja dedicated to Mummy Max

Tushita Meditation Center, Dharamsala

Questions and Answers on the movie 'Unmistaken Child'

Ocean of Compassion (Gyalwa Gyatso) Buddhist Center, California

How to PurifySession 1        Session 2

Nine Round Breathing Meditation

Dharma talk -Taitung Foundation   

Land of Medicine Buddha - March 2024

Retreat on the Vajra Cutter Sutra

Transcript :The Ultimate Nature of Reality

Shantideva Center, New York- April

The Heart of the Path- Guru Devotion

Session 1

Session 2

Breaking Free from Endless Prison of Samsara

Session 1

Session 2

Longku -FPMT Bern Switzerland- June

The Middle Path Lam Rim (refer to The Middle Length Lam Rim book)

Session 1

(Session 1 transcript)

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4 (audio)

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 10

Chag Tong Chen Tong, Tasmania

Chokhor Duchen- Turning the Wheel of Dharma (Refer to The Sutra of the Wheel of Dharma) with the oral transmission

-Chinese Translation by Meida- Taitung Foundation)

Hayagriva Buddhist Center, Perth -July

Perception, Reality and Bliss

Session 1

Session 2

Sharpening the sword of wisdom

Session 1

Session 2

Introduction to Tantra

(ebook: introduction to tantra)